Do you like watching a world evolve over time? Or perhaps you like watching pure chaos unfold. WorldBox is an in development sandbox god sim and now it has a Linux build too.
Total War: ROME REMASTERED from game developer / porter Feral Interactive and Creative Assembly with SEGA as publisher is now officially out with Linux support.
Looking for your next Ubuntu powered ultrabook? We might have what you're looking for with the new Entroware Apollo.
On the surface Regrowth seems simple, with you growing plants across islands to stop them from sinking. However, it's surprisingly challenging and quite lovely.
Clockwork Bird have managed to created a thoroughly unique cyberpunk experience with Silicon Dreams, which is out now with Linux support.
Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan brings with it a number of new diplomatic and domestic options, with more opportunities for expanding and improving your nation’s position as it competes for power from the Renaissance to the Age of Revolution.
Block-pushing puzzles with a horror twist? What more could you possibly need in such a Sokoban game? Well, Dark Sheep has some twists and turns to it you might enjoy.
Love your short action-adventure games that have the feel of classic Zelda? Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion hits the spot and as a bonus it's completely hilarious.
Enabling even more developers to work directly from Linux, FMOD Studio 2.02 has been released which includes (amongst other things) native support for Linux.
Continuing the gradual improvements towards the next LTS (Long Term Support) release, Ubuntu 21.04 is officially out now to bring some of the latest enhancements to the popular Linux distribution.
Jazz-punk? Sounds pretty fancy. Don't Forget Me is a brand new adventure and puzzle game with a twist, where you dive into peoples minds and use your observational skills to unwrap their minds.
It's Free Game Tuesday! Today we have Istrolid, a free fleet-design strategy game from developer treeform that recently hit the big 1.0 release.
Goblinz Publishing and developer TeaForTwo have put their Snowtopia: Ski Resort Tycoon onto Linux with the latest Early Access update available now.
Putting Picross / Nonogram into 3D, Voxelgram is a pretty great puzzle game that sees you use your logical brain to work out what shapes are hidden inside blocks.
QED Games just released their first full title with Tactical Troops: Anthracite Shift, a top-down turn-based tactical combat game with "the feeling of 80's sci-fi movies".
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark, what was originally called Season 2, is officially out now with full Linux support so you can crack some unique cases.
Are you a fan of OpenTTD or the Transport Fever series? You should look at Voxel Tycoon, a brand new Early Access release on Steam that comes with Linux support and it's looking very good.
Available now with Linux support, Rain on Your Parade is a comedy puzzle-like game about being a cloud and raining all over everyone and not giving a hoot.
Probably the biggest update and expansion launch for Stellaris yet, Stellaris: Nemesis and the 3.0 'Dick' update are out now.
While it was playable with the Steam Play Proton compatibility layer, 4A Games and Deep Silver have today officially released Metro Exodus for Linux.
Showing 1620 to 1640 of 2509 entries found.